vector memory

英 [ˈvektə(r) ˈmeməri] 美 [ˈvektər ˈmeməri]

网络  向量存储器



  1. The state space may be thought of as a big vector space with each basis element spanning the possible states of one system element ( say a memory register or the cam angle).
  2. Else, the vector is traversed and memory is freed for each interface.
  3. In some computers the interrupt vector is an address that points to a location in memory where the beginning address of the I/ O service routine is stored.
  4. The invalid interrupt vector pointed to memory containing a bunch of technically valid but nonsensical instructions followed by an invalid one.
  5. You can, for example, use a vector in much the same way as you would use an ordinary C array, except that vector eliminates the chore of managing dynamic memory allocation by hand.
  6. The topology processing is the prediction of the data searching and analysis, and the vector map data compressing is good for economizing memory space and speeding up the data processing.
  7. In this paper, based on the memory unit of the SIMD architecture, we propose a compilation scheme to exploit the partial reuse of the vector register data, and improve memory access efficiency in SIMD optimization.
  8. Not only a full vector prestored in associative memory can be recalled from a partial information of the vector, but the other vector of the prestored vector pair can also be recalled.
  9. Based on the study of PIM and vector processing technology, we have studied the VIM architecture and implemented vector processor in memory, KD-VIM-1. This thesis focus on the key technologies of embedded memory system of VIM architecture.
  10. This paper introduces an interconnection network of cellular vector computer of vertical and horizontal processing with virtual common memory. In regard to this network a principle of automatic vector-displacement is presented, and a sufficient and necessary condition of conflict free vector-displacement is given.
  11. Research and Implementation of Memory Crossbar of Vector-in-memory
  12. The remote control code flow is reduced to three patterns. Vector quantization coding and the cluster algorithm are used to compress the data memory space more by recognizing code flow patterns.
  13. The load vector of this system includes the information of some key resource, such as CPU, memory and disk et al.
  14. In a state space of n dimension binary vector is considered a mode of associative memory which is a linear network having fixed regulation of pointwise.
  15. Thereby it can be deduced that the vector character and latitude effect of the geomagnetic field exert little influence upon the applicability and reliability of metal magnetic memory testing and diagnostic technique.
  16. Applying the transform relation of vector component of orthogonal coordinate, the writer concludes the transforming relation formula of stress component from the rectangular coordinate and polar coordinate. Its form is standard, trim, and easy for memory.
  17. At meantime, the approach of vertical bit vector expression is introduced to store transaction data for improving efficiency of time and memory.
  18. When solving large scale learning problems, Support Vector Machine ( SVM) is time-consuming, bad real-time ability and high computer memory requirement.
  19. We make some improvement in Apriori algorithm. First, use the vector data structure, reduce the space of the input dataset, so it can be put into the main memory and avoid the overhead caused by scanning database many times, the efficiency is improved.
  20. The reason is that support vector machine needs long time and large memory when it processes large-scale data. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposed an algorithm named limited memory on-line identification based on support vector regression.
  21. The experimental results show that our algorithm for measuring the host cardinality distribution based on virtual vector not only saves memory space, but also can measure the host cardinality distribution fast and accurately.
  22. Sparsity of vector impact the cost of computing resources directly, the resources here involve both system memory and time cost for computing. Secondly, introduce a feature selection method based on the weight of normal from SVM model.
  23. There is a strong relationship between archives and social memory. Domestic and international academics both research this relationship and produce many valuable achievements, and use the vector role in building social memory work.
  24. The simulation results show that the least squares support vector machine both in the accuracy and the generalization of functions do the best compromise, which is a very effective method for regression analysis and dynamic model building of magnetic controlled shape memory alloy micro-displacement actuator.
  25. Currently, high-performance general-purpose DSPs gradually evolve as multi-core and vector ones. The Memory System will be an important factor that restricts the per-formance.